Stomach contents of six commercially important demersal fishes in the South China Sea

Stomach contents of six commercially important fish species (Carangoides malabaricus, Nemipterus marginatus, Priacanthus tayenus, Upeneus bensasi, Saurida undosquamis and Sphyraena forsteri) in the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia were examined. Fishes were caught by trawl nets in 124 stations in areas between 12 to 200 nautical miles from shore covering an estimated area of 27,785.54 square nautical miles. After catching the fishes, stomachs were removed onboard, preserved and taken to the laboratory for analysis of the contents. Penaeus sp. was the most common diet for C. malabaricus, N. marginatus, P. tayenus, and U. bensasi while Loligo sp. was the main diet for S. undosquamis and S. forsteri. Sub-areas 0, I, II and III appeared to be the most productive areas for the studied species. The results suggested that the distribution of commercial fish species could be affected by the availability and distribution of their preys. This information is very important for those involved in the management of fishery resources as well as for the efficient exploitation of the species.


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