Diet of silver crucian carp Carassius gibelio in lake Eğirdir

Diet of silver crucian carp Carassius gibelio was investigated from 265 guts collected from Lake Eğirdir between March 2001 and March 2002. The results of this study showed that the feeding activity of the silver crucian carp ranged among seasons within year. The percentages of the non-empty guts were similar between summer (29.8%) and autumn (30.1%). This ratio was 16.3% and 47.1% in spring and winter, respectively. Twenty-three taxonomic categories were identified from the 3998 food items analyzed. The diet of the silver crucian carp were dominated by benthic and planktonic invertebrates such as Gastropods, Dipterans, Cladocerans, Copepods, and Ostracods. Daphnia sp. was found in 42.6% of the non-empty gut-samples. The frequencies of occurrence of several other food categories, such as Chironomus sp., Cyclops sp., Ostracods, Acarina, and Bosmina sp., were also relatively high.


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