South Korea’s Cultural Policies towards its Diaspora Citizens

South Korea’s Cultural Policies towards its Diaspora Citizens

South Korean society has diaspora communities living in various countries outside the homeland and the diaspora’s reasons for departing vary. Today, South Korea’s engagement with its diaspora is increasing and the government is pursuing policies to strengthen bonds between the diaspora and the homeland. South Korea strives to make its diaspora citizens feel its presence in many fields, from media to politics, and from cultural studies to education. Through various education programs, second and third generation citizens, who have never lived in South Korea, are given the opportunity to do so. In this study, how South Korea supports its diaspora and how it performs this support are explained through six selected institutions. The research uses a literature review of previous academic studies and data from the official websites of the selected institutions. The history of South Korea’s diaspora formation and the beginning of South Korea’s cultural activities for its diaspora are discussed in the study. The functioning of these activities is discussed through selected institutions. These institutions provide support the to the diaspora in various fields, such as culture, mother tongue teaching, and education. Support given in the field of education is more than in other fields.


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