Ayse Guveli, Harry Ganzeboom, Lucinda Platt, Bernhard Nauck, Helen Baykara-Krumme, Sebnem Eroglu, Sait Bayrakdar, Efe K. Sözeri, and Niels Spierings, Intergenerational Consequences of Migration: Socioeconomic, Family and Cultural Patterns of Stability and Change in Turkey and Europe, Springer, 2016,

Ayse Guveli, Harry Ganzeboom, Lucinda Platt, Bernhard Nauck, Helen Baykara-Krumme, Sebnem Eroglu, Sait Bayrakdar, Efe K. Sözeri, and Niels Spierings, Intergenerational Consequences of Migration: Socioeconomic, Family and Cultural Patterns of Stability and Change in Turkey and Europe, Springer, 2016,

This book is a social scientific study with a unique design called by authors origin-oriented, multi-site and multi-generational (p.17) that tries to reveal the intergenerational consequences of the migration of Turks who immigrated to nine different European countries. The core of the study provides the perspective that clearly demonstrates the consequences of migration by examining all three groups of people who have migrated to Europe and stayed at least five years, have migrated and returned, and also stayers who have never been migrated or have been to Europe less than five years.


  • Guveli, A., Ganzeboom, H., Platt, L., Nauck, B., Baykara-Krumme, H., Eroglu, S., ... & Eroğlu, Ş. (2016). Intergenerational consequences of migration: Socio-economic, family and cultural patterns of stability and change in Turkey and Europe. Springer.