The Flora of Kalecik Mountain (Şanlıurfa, Turkey)

This research was carried out in 2002 and 2003 in order to determine the flora of Kalecik Mountain. The research area is situated in Şanlıurfa province and within C7 of the grid system. In the area, 238 taxa belonging to 39 families, and 140 genera, were determined. Of all the collected specimens, 28 taxa are new records for C7, and 13 (5.46%) taxa are endemic for Turkey. In the distribution of the species according to floristic regions, Irano-Turanian elements ranked first with a rate of 39.07%, followed by Mediterranean elements with a rate of 8.40% and Euro-Siberian elements with a rate of 1.68%. Some 19.75% of the determined species were widespread while 31.93% of the taxa are of unknown phytogeographic region. The families with the most taxa in the research area are Fabaceae (56), Asteraceae (25), Lamiaceae (19), Brassicaceae (14), Apiaceae (14) and Poaceae (13). Concerning the number of species, the richest genera in this region are as follows: Astragalus L. (11), Vicia L. (10), Trifolium L. (8), Trigonella L. (6), Medicago L. (6) and Salvia L. (5). According to the life forms, Therophytes come first with a rate of 52.52% in the region, followed by Hemicryptophytes (35.29%), Geophytes (6.72%), Phanerophytes (3.78%), and Chamaephytes (1.68%).

The Flora of Kalecik Mountain (Şanlıurfa, Turkey)

This research was carried out in 2002 and 2003 in order to determine the flora of Kalecik Mountain. The research area is situated in Şanlıurfa province and within C7 of the grid system. In the area, 238 taxa belonging to 39 families, and 140 genera, were determined. Of all the collected specimens, 28 taxa are new records for C7, and 13 (5.46%) taxa are endemic for Turkey. In the distribution of the species according to floristic regions, Irano-Turanian elements ranked first with a rate of 39.07%, followed by Mediterranean elements with a rate of 8.40% and Euro-Siberian elements with a rate of 1.68%. Some 19.75% of the determined species were widespread while 31.93% of the taxa are of unknown phytogeographic region. The families with the most taxa in the research area are Fabaceae (56), Asteraceae (25), Lamiaceae (19), Brassicaceae (14), Apiaceae (14) and Poaceae (13). Concerning the number of species, the richest genera in this region are as follows: Astragalus L. (11), Vicia L. (10), Trifolium L. (8), Trigonella L. (6), Medicago L. (6) and Salvia L. (5). According to the life forms, Therophytes come first with a rate of 52.52% in the region, followed by Hemicryptophytes (35.29%), Geophytes (6.72%), Phanerophytes (3.78%), and Chamaephytes (1.68%).


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