Syntaxonomical analysis of the riparian vegetation of the Porsuk River (Eskişehir-Kütahya/Turkey)

Syntaxonomical analysis of the riparian vegetation of the Porsuk River (Eskişehir-Kütahya/Turkey)

This study is about the classification and syntaxonomic allocation of the riparian vegetation of the Porsuk River (EskişehirKütahya, western part of Central Anatolia). The Porsuk is part of the Sakarya River basin and is the longest tributary of the Sakarya River. The data were collected using the phytosociological method of Braun-Blanquet and analyzed using TWINSPAN classification and NMDS ordination. Ten syntaxa were identified, all of which are more or less widespread in the nemoral and meridional zone. The woody alluvial vegetation of the study area comprises the associations Salicetum albae, Populetum albae, and Elymo-Rubetum caesii. The riparian reed bed vegetation is represented by the associations Phragmitetum australis, Schoenoplectetum tabernaemontani, Typhetum latifoliae, Typhetum angustifoliae, Cyperetum longi, Caricetum gracilis, and Galio palustris-Juncetum inflexi. The community composition, though of azonal character, suggests marked influence of biogeographical and climatic sub-Mediterranean conditions.


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