Herbaceous Plant Cover Establishment in a Barren Materials Quarry

The ability to establish cover using grass and legume species without any soil preparation was studied in a barren materials quarry. The biodiversity indexes (Simpson) during the growing season as well as the vegetation cover and composition were measured. The results showed that the established species had a satisfactory cover (up to 87.5%). This means that we can achieve significant soil rehabilitation after mining using herbaceous plant cover and reduce the cost of rehabilitation by cutting the expenses of soil preparation.

Herbaceous Plant Cover Establishment in a Barren Materials Quarry

The ability to establish cover using grass and legume species without any soil preparation was studied in a barren materials quarry. The biodiversity indexes (Simpson) during the growing season as well as the vegetation cover and composition were measured. The results showed that the established species had a satisfactory cover (up to 87.5%). This means that we can achieve significant soil rehabilitation after mining using herbaceous plant cover and reduce the cost of rehabilitation by cutting the expenses of soil preparation.


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