A Morphological Investigation of Colchicum L. (Liliaceae) Species in the Mediterranean Region in Turkey

The morphological features of Colchicum L. species were studied based on samples collected from the Mediterranean region in Turkey between 2000 and 2004. Typifications, synonym lists, descriptions, ecology, and phytogeography are provided for all Colchicum species and relationships to similar species are discussed. New features were determined that were not previously given in descriptions of Colchicum species in the Flora of Turkey, and useful identification keys (for both flowering material and leafing-fruiting material) were prepared for all Colchicum species in the Mediterranean region of Turkey.

A Morphological Investigation of Colchicum L. (Liliaceae) Species in the Mediterranean Region in Turkey

The morphological features of Colchicum L. species were studied based on samples collected from the Mediterranean region in Turkey between 2000 and 2004. Typifications, synonym lists, descriptions, ecology, and phytogeography are provided for all Colchicum species and relationships to similar species are discussed. New features were determined that were not previously given in descriptions of Colchicum species in the Flora of Turkey, and useful identification keys (for both flowering material and leafing-fruiting material) were prepared for all Colchicum species in the Mediterranean region of Turkey.


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