Vicia L. nin üreme biyoloji I. Polen morfolojisi, polen çimlenmesi (in situ), polen tüpü büyümesi

V. hirsute (L.) S.F. Gray, V. pannonica Crantz, V. hybrida L, V. grandiflora Scop., V. sativa L., V. narbonensis L. türlerinde polenlerin morfolojik özellikleri ve polen çimlenmesi sitolojik ve sitokimyasal olarak incelendi. İncelenen bütün türlerde olgun polenlerin iki hücreli, şekillerinin prolata, apertürlerinin tricolporatae, ekzin süslerinin reticulatee olduğu, polenlerin büyüklük ve boyanma dereceleri bakımından farklılıklar gösterdikleri gözlendi. Polenlerin genellikle tek tek bulundukları gibi bir kaç polenin intin ile birbirine bağlı oldukları da görüldü. Önemli olarak polenlerin anter lokusunda (in situ) çimlendiği saptarfdı. Anter lokusunda (mikrosporangiyumda) çimlenme gösteren polenlerin çimlenmesi arasında vegetatif ve generatif hücre nukleuslarının davranışlarının farklı olduğu, generatif hücre nukleusunun, vegetatif hücre nukleusundan daha önce çimlenme poruna doğru ilerlediği gözlendi. Ayrıca az boyanan polenlerin kuvvetli boyananlara göre daha hızlı çimlendikleri de saptandı.

Reproductive biology of Vicia L. I. pollen morphology, pollen germination (in situ) and pollen tube growth

This paper is a study of the pollen germination of V. hirsute (L.) S.F. Gray, V. pannonica Crantz., V. hybrida L, V, grandiflora Scop., V. sativa L,l/. nrbonnensis L. in the anther loculi (in situ). The morphological properties and fertilities of the pollen were had been investigated. In addition, cyto-logical and cytochemical properties and fertilities of the pollen were had been investigated. In addition, cytological and cytochemical properites of the pollen tubes during in situ pollen germination were examined. The pollen grains of the species examined were prolata, tricolporatee and exine reticulatee, which were shed during the two-cell stage. The pollen grains showed variation in size as well as the degree of. The pollen generally dispersed on an individual basis but sometimes several pollen grains were found clustered together, connected the intines. It was noted that the germination of pollen grains within the microsporangium. During pollen germination the behaviour of the nuclei in the pollen grains varied in each species. It was found that the vegatative nucleus was always located away from the germ pore, while the generative nucleus was close. Pollen grains which displayed little staining were found to germinate more quickly than grains with strong staining.


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