The efects of land use and land cover changes (LULCC) in Kuseyr plateau of Turkey on erosion

The efects of land use and land cover changes (LULCC) in Kuseyr plateau of Turkey on erosion

Erosion is one of the important problems in degradation of agricultural lands and other natural lands. Te most dynamicfactor in controlling erosion is land cover, and this factor has been anthropogenically manipulated for ages. Tis study investigates theefect of land use and land cover changes (LULCC) on erosion at Kuseyr Plateau, which is situated in the southernmost part of theeastern Mediterranean basin, Turkey. A geographical information systems-based method using the revised universal soil loss equation(3D) was employed to identify the amount of annual soil loss, erosion risk classes, and distribution generated by LULCC. Landsatsatellite images were used to analyze LULCC from 1987 to 2010. Te implementations of both land cover and management factors weremade possible by satellite image analysis performed throughout the years. Te results obtained from the study show that there is a rathersevere erosion risk covering as much as 30% of the land within the scope of the study for 1987; this rate corresponds to 22% in 2010.Maximum annual soil loss in the plateau was as high as 59.81 t ha 1 per year in 1987 and 48.33 t ha 1per year in 2010. Te average soillosses in the plateau were 6.19 and 5.00 t ha 1 per year for 1987 and 2010, respectively. Te related processes causing erosion from thepast to present have slowed down, and reclamation of the land cover (with the intended purpose of decreasing erosion sensitivity) hasalways been the key factor in this regard. Despite a considerable decrease in severe erosion, as much as 22% of the study area still requiresimmediate measures in order to reduce soil loss.


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Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-011X
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: TÜBİTAK
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