Distribution of Quercus spp. and Pinus nigra mixed stands in semiarid northern Central Anatolia

Distribution of Quercus spp. and Pinus nigra mixed stands in semiarid northern Central Anatolia

Central Anatolia has semiarid ecological conditions that limit tree growth. In addition, long-term human activity has resultedin degradation of existing forests lands. Current forest cover mainly includes oak, juniper, and pine species. In this study, the distributionand present state of Pinus nigra L. and Quercus spp. (Quercus cerris L. and Quercus pubescens L.) mixed stands, and the relationshipbetween different environmental factors and abundance of oaks and pines were analyzed. The results indicate that interactions ofenvironmental variables and human disturbance may have influenced the frequency and abundance of species in the region.


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