Dihydroquercetin increases the adaptive potential of wild soybean against copper sulfate and cadmium sulfate toxicity

Dihydroquercetin increases the adaptive potential of wild soybean against copper sulfate and cadmium sulfate toxicity

In this study, the mechanism of the biochemical adaptation of wild soybean to the experimentally modeled effects of cadmium sulfate and copper sulfate in approximately double permissible concentration was investigated. The extracted concentrations of cadmium and copper in the experimental soil were determined by inversion voltammetry – 1.46 and 48.25 mg/kg, respectively. Growing soybeans in soil with the addition of copper and cadmium sulfates led to an increase in the concentration of malonic dialdehyde in soybean seeds relative to control by 62% and 38%, respectively, which confirmed the strengthening of oxidative processes. There was also an increase in the specific activity of peroxidase by 198% under the action of copper sulfate and 122% under the action of cadmium sulfate. Copper in the studied concentration was more toxic than cadmium. Acid phosphatase showed stable specific activity under the action of the studied metals. PAGE revealed multiple forms that were absent from the control: under the action of copper sulfate–AP7, AP12; cadmium sulfate–AP12. Dihydroquercetin treatment of soybean seeds before sowing in soil contaminated with copper and cadmium sulfates led to a decrease in the level of malonic dialdehyde by 20% and 11%, respectively, and a decrease in the specific activity of peroxidase by an average of 12%. There was a decrease in specific activity and the appearance of new multiple forms of acid phosphatase: under the action of copper sulfate by 18%, AP13; cadmium sulfate – 25%, AP2 and AP13. Thus, we suggest that flavonoids may take part in the adaptation of plants to the effects of copper and cadmium.


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