The lives of special needs children and their families significantly differ from the lives of children with no special needs and their families. Many variables are affecting the quality of life and processes related to the inability field, starting from the first years of life. The study aims to reveal the experiences and needs of families with special needs children from birth to age 6, starting from the early childhood period and to contribute to the structuring of special needs education processes with the suggestions put forward. The data obtained in the study were analyzed qualitatively, employing the inductive approach. 13 mothers of special needs children between the ages of 3 and 6 participated in the study. According to the findings, the first response of mothers when they first learned the special needs of their children is usually traumatic reactions. The study found that the pillar of strength for them was their spouses, they experienced social exclusion as well as social integration, most of them needed psychological support but didn't have the opportunity to start to receive this support. Besides, most of them had regrets about the past and anxiety for the future. It was found that these families usually know their legal rights. In addition, the mothers participating in the study suggested that other families should accept their special needs children and immediately provide education opportunities. Suggestions have been developed based on the experience of the special education processes and experiences of families.


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