Rice Blast, A Major Threat to the Rice Production and its Various Management Techniques

Rice Blast, A Major Threat to the Rice Production and its Various Management Techniques

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important staple cereal crop which is consumed by more than 50% of world population. It contributes 23% and 50% of total calories consumed by world and Nepalese population respectively. Among various abiotic factors affecting rice, rice blast is the most disastrous, causing 70-80% yield loss. This disease was originated in China around 7000 years ago. In Nepal, it was first reported in Thimi, Bhaktapur in 1966. It is caused by a filamentous ascomycete fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (Anaemorphic form- Pyricularia oryzae). It infects all the developmental stage of plant and produce symptoms on the leaf, collar, neck, panicle and even in the glumes. It decreases the rice production by an amount, enough to feed 60 million people every year. Cloudy weather, high relative humidity (93-99%), low night temperature (15- 20°C), longer duration of dew is the most favorable condition for the outbreak of disease. The most usual approaches for the management of rice blast diseases are management in nutrient fertilizer and irrigation, application of fungicides and plantation of resistant cultivars. Besides, the use of extracts of C. arabica are reported to have an inhibitory effect on the disease. Seed treatment with Trichoderma viridae @ 5ml/lit of water have also been found effective. The chemical means of controlling blast disease shall be reduced, instead eco-friendly measures like biocontrol agents, resistant varieties, plant extracts can be practiced for disease control. Different forecasting model can be used in order to predict the disease prevalence.


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  • Yayın Aralığı: Aylık
  • Başlangıç: 2013
  • Yayıncı: Turkish Science and Technology Publishing (TURSTEP)
Sayıdaki Diğer Makaleler

Forecasting Area, Production and Productivity of Vegetable Crops in Nepal using the Box-Jenkins ARIMA Model

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Rice Blast, A Major Threat to the Rice Production and its Various Management Techniques

Kapil Simkhada, Rabin Thapa

Determination of the Antimethanogenic Properties of Sumac Leaves (Rhus coriaria L.) Subsitution at Different Ratios İnstead of Corn Silage in Sheep Rations by in Vitro Gas Production Method

Adem Kaya, Tuğba Bakır, Atilla Başer, Bilal Selçuk, Ali Kaya

Determination of Therapeutic Values of Düzce/Yığılca Honeys by Underlining Overlooked Parameters

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Determination of the swim bladder parasite Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda, Dracunculoidea) in the European Eel, Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758) from the locality Çamalti Tuzla of Izmir Bay, Eastern Aegean Sea

Şule Gürkan, Burcu Taylan, Ertan Taşkavak

Temporal Variation in the Viability of Spermatozoa in the Spermathecae of Queen Honey Bees (Apis mellifera L.)

Yasin Kahya, H. Vasfi Gençer

Phytochemical Profile and Antioxidant Activities of Aqueous Extract of Moringa oleifera (Lam) Collected from DR Congo and Kenya

Valence Bwana Mutwedu, James Mucunu Mbaria, Albert Wafula Nyongesa, Jafred Mulama Kitaa, Jemima Achieng Oduma

The Prevalence of Commonly Encountered Parasites in Sheep in Iğdır Province, Turkey

Ayşe Sona Karakuş, Fatma Ertaş, Adnan Ayan

Decontamination Effect of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles, Rosmarinic Acid and Anatolian Propolis on Foodborne Bacteria

Zeki Aras, Tahsin Onur Kevenk

Budding of Current Season Seedlings of Pistacia vera L. During Different Times in Late Summer

Aram Akram Mohammed