Investigation Of The Relationship Between Arm Skin Thickness And Circumference Measurement And Hand Grip Strength Of Children Attending With Badminton Sport

Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the thickness of the arm ski, circumference measurement and the hand grip of the 10-12 age badminton children athletes. Materials and Methods: 72 badminton athletes with a mean age of 11.8±0.1 were included in the study voluntarily. Physical characteristics of children; height (kg), body weight (kg), body mass index (kg/m²), body circumference measurements (cm), (forearm, mid-arm and mid-upper arm) and skinfold (mm), (triceps, subscapula, biceps, suprailiac skin thickness) values ​​were measured. Results:Data were analyzed by SPSS 23.0 package program. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to determine whether the distribution of numerical variables was uniformly distributed. Pearson Correlation test was applied to determine whether there is a correlation between the parameters. Statistical significance level was accepted as p<0.05. In the evaluation, a statistically significant difference was found between the right hand grip strength and subscapula skin thickness, (r=0.25),mid-arm circumference, (r=0.27), measurement and left hand grip strength with subscapula skin thickness, (r=0.3), forearm circumference, (r=0.24), mid-arm circumference, (r=0.35) and mid-upper arm circumference, (r=0.34), (p <0.05). Conclusion: It can be said that arm skin thickness and arm circumferential measurements are effective in the hand grip strength parameters of sports such as badminton.


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