Analyzing the attitudes of elite wrestlers related to the use of doping

Thepurpose of thisstudy is toanalyzetheattitudes of elite Turkishwrestlersrelatedtotheuse of doping. Thestudygroup of theresearchincludedfreestyleandGreco-Roman (cadet, junior,andsenior) 180 Turkishwrestlers in 2013 wrestling World Championship National Team trainingcamps. Inordertomeasuretheattitudes of wrestlers, “TheAttitudeScaleRelatedtotheUse of Doping” developedbyŞapcı (2010) (3), and “Personal Information Form” developedby us wereused. Accordingtotheresearchfindings, in thesub-dimension of theattitudescale, “I disapprovetrainers' encouragingtheathletesupontheuse of doping” had thelowestand “Use of doping causesunfaircompetitionamongtheathletes” had thehighestscore. Incomparisonsaccordingtothevariables, whereasnosignificantdifferencewasfound in terms of style, diet, usingnutritionalsupportproduct, beingnational, caringfordiet; significantdifferenceswerenoticed in terms of beingcontrolled of doping, category, level of education, andage of sports. Consequently, it can be saidthatattitudescores of elite wrestlersrelatedtotheuse of doping arehighandtheirattitude is positive. 
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Doping, wrestling, attitude, sports.


The purpose of this study is to analyze the attitudes of elite Turkish wrestlers related to the use of doping. The study group of the research included freestyle and Greco-Roman (cadet, junior,and senior) 180 Turkish wrestlers in 2013 wrestling World Championship National Team training camps. In order to measure the attitudes of wrestlers, “The Attitude Scale Related to the Use of Doping” developed by Şapcı (2010) (3), and “Personal Information Form” developed by us were used. According to the research findings, in the sub-dimension of the attitude scale, “I disapprove trainers’ encouraging the athletes upon the use of doping” had the lowest and “Use of doping causes unfair competition among the athletes” had the highest score. In comparisons according to the variables, whereas no significant difference was found in terms of style, diet, using nutritional support product, being national, caring for diet; significant differences were noticed in terms of being controlled of doping, category, level of education, and age of sports. Consequently, it can be said that attitude scores of elite wrestlers related to the use of doping are high and their attitude is positive


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Türk Spor ve Egzersiz Dergisi-Cover
  • Başlangıç: 1999
  • Yayıncı: Selçuk Üniversitesi, Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi