Observation of food habits and awareness level of students studying at the School of Physical Education and Sports

The purpose of the study is observing food habits and awareness of the students studying at Coaching Training and Sports Teaching Department of School of Physical Education and Sports and detecting whether there is a variance between departments. The study has been observed on 94 students at Physical Education Teaching Department and 106 Coaching Training Department, which makes 200 students in total.  For data collection, a 30-question food habit questionnaire comprising of 20 food habit questions and 10 nutrition awareness questions prepared by Goral as well as a personal information form filled by researchers have been used. Data derived from the scale had been converted to form of tables by extracting distributions in terms of percentage. SPSS 16.0 has been employed for statistical estimations. The frequency and percentage values of the derived data have been calculated, and a chi-square had been utilized to detect any variance between the groups within different categories. In case of a value p>0.05, the variance between groups is accepted to be significant. The information collected has pointed out no significant variance between the awareness levels of the students at Coaching and Teaching Department with respect to the answers given by them about weight follow-up and body analysis, the number of meals in a day, use of alcohol, regular fluid intake and beginning day with breakfast. In respect of information resources of nutrition and nutrition awareness before and after training, significant relations have been uncovered about awareness of the relation between awareness of level of daily energy need, awareness and way of nutrition habits before and after training and success in sports. Finally, no significant variance has been detected between the nutrition awareness levels of the students at Coaching Department and the ones at Sport Teaching Department in some issues. It is important to improve both groups' awareness levels of athlete nutrition. Our study offers that some more extensive studies should be done on this matter. 


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