Febril Konvülziyonlar

SummaryFebrile seizure is a common pediatric problem that affects between 2 and 5 of all children Most of them are brief uncomplicated and unassociated with any long term sequelae But there is a tendency to recurrence of febrile convulsions in about one third of those affected The indications for prolonged drug prophylaxis against recurrence of febrile convulsions are more clearly defined now and the majority do not require it Key nbsp;words: nbsp;Febrile Convulsion Prognosis Prophylactic Treatment
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Febrile Convulsions

Febrile seizure is a common pediatric problem that affects between 2 and 5 of all children Most of them are brief uncomplicated and unassociated with any long term sequelae But there is a tendency to recurrence of febrile convulsions in about one third of those affected The indications for prolonged drug prophylaxis against recurrence of febrile convulsions are more clearly defined now and the majority do not require it Key nbsp;words: nbsp;Febrile Convulsion Prognosis Prophylactic Treatment
