Çocukluk çağının nadir bir hastalığı; alternan hemipleji Olgu Sunumu

Alternan hemipleji nadir görülen üst ekstremiterde daha belirgin olan hemipleji distoni atakları ile seyreden bir çocukluk çağı hastalığıdır 15 aylık erkek hasta ilk kez 11 aylık iken sol kolunu kullanmama yakınması nedeni ile başvurmuştu Üç gün içinde şikayetleri gerileyen hastanın ataklarının her iki üst ekstremitede tekrarlaması üzerine alternan hemipleji tanısı konuldu Anahtar Kelimeler: alternan hemipleji non epileptik paroksismal sütçocukluğu

A rare disease during childhood; alternating hemiplegia Case Report

Alternating Hemiplegia is a rare childhood disease characterized by the hemiplegia and dystonic attacks especially on the upper extremities A 15 month old male patient had been admitted for the first time for left arm plegia at the age of eleven months 3 days later his complaints had disappeared But as the same attacks on both upper extremities had recurred the patient was diagnosed as alternating hemiplegia Key words: alternating hemiplegia childhood nonepileptic paroxsymal



  • Aicardi J, Bourgeois M, Goutières F. Alternating hemi- plegia of childhood: Clinical findings and diagnostic criteria. In: Andermann F, Aicardi J, Vigevano F(eds). Alternating hemiplegia of childhood. New York: Raven press, 1995: 3- 18.
  • Bourgeois M, Aicardi J, Goutieres F. Alternating hemiplegia of childhood. J Pediatr 1993; 122: 673- 9. 3. Silver K, Andermann F. Alternating hemiplegia of childhood: a study of 10 patients and results of flunarizine treatment. Neurology 1993; 43: 36- 41. 4. Mikati MA, Kramer U, Zupanc ML, Shanahan RJ. Alternating hemiplegia of childhood: Clinical manifes- tations and long-term outcome. Pediatr Neurol 2000; 23:134- 41.