Validity and Reliability Study of James Supportive Care Screening for Cancer Patients

Validity and Reliability Study of James Supportive Care Screening for Cancer Patients

OBJECTIVE The present study examined the validity and reliability of the James Supportive Care Screening (SCS), a tool to measure the distress of those diagnosed with cancer, for Turkish patients. METHODS After necessary approval was obtained from the oncology hospital, research was conducted with 280 chemotherapy outpatients. Content validity, construct validity, and criterion-related validity tests were used to evaluate validity of SCS use in Turkey, while internal consistency and test-retest reliability were measured to determine reliability. RESULTS Content validity index value based on ratings of experts on all items of SCS found on above 0.80. The Turkish version of the scale has 48 items based on 6 factors, and is similar to the original SCS measure. Confirmatory factor analysis . Cronbach's alpha value of scale was 0.918 and unchangeability against time was proven. CONCLUSION James Supportive Care Screening is a valid and reliable measurement tool for screening Turkish cancer patients.


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