Türkiye'de yaz mevsimindeki sıcak günler ve sıcak günlerin eğilimleri (1970-2006)

Bu çalışmada, haziran-temmuz-ağustos-eylül aylarındaki yaz günü ve tropikal gün sayıları belirlenmiştir. Bu amaçla, 91 meteoroloji istasyonun 1970-2006 yılları arasındaki günlük maksimum sıcaklık verileri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, yaz günü için ≥25°C ve

Recent trends in observed hot days during summer season in Turkey (1970-2006)

In this study, the numbers of summer and tropical day were determined in June-July- August-September months. For this purpose, daily maximum temperature data of the 91 meteorological stations have been analyzed in the period of 1970-2006. For the summer day indices were determined daily maximum temperature range from greater than or equal to 25°C to greater 30°C, whereas the tropical days were determined greater than or equal to 30°C. Long-term variations in the average of the summer and tropical day numbers were calculated by the coefficient of variation. The number of summer day variability over the Turkey has revealed along the southern coast. Variability of the tropical day numbers has increased towards the northern coast of Turkey. According to Mann-Kendall test, the numbers of summer day has included generally decreasing trend in Turkey. These decreasing trends are statistically significant in most of the stations. However, the numbers of tropical day are statistically significant increasing tends. In particular, regional increasing trends are very strong over the western half of Turkey. The tropical day numbers have included increasing trend over the western part of Turkey, Aegean coast and metropolitan and industrial areas such as; Istanbul and Izmit.


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