Statistical Analysis of Treatment Processes of Patients Coming to University Hospital Emergency Department

Statistical Analysis of Treatment Processes of Patients Coming to University Hospital Emergency Department

In this study, it was aimed to collect and process the data based on the number of patients who came to the emergency department and to evaluate the results by making statistical analyzes of these data and thus, contributing to the literature. Sivas Cumhuriyet University Health Services Application and Research Hospital Emergency Service was chosen as the application area and an application was made using the data of the patients. The records kept at 00:00–04:00 hours between November 2017 and November 2018 by the Chief Physician of Sivas Cumhuriyet University Health Services Practice and Research Hospital were obtained and 4978 data used in the study were obtained in this way. First of all, the frequency distributions of the obtained data were determined according to various variables, and then whether there was a significant relationship between the treatment outcome and various variables and whether there was a significant relationship between the death or immortality outcome of the treatment with various variables was examined with the chi-square independence test. The t test was used to determine whether the mean duration of treatment of the patients who came to the emergency department differed according to the gender of the patients. According to the findings obtained as a result of the research, 51,4% of the patients who came to the emergency department were male patients, the age group that came to the hospital the most was 49,9%, between the ages of 26-64, and 10% of the patients admitted the most. It was determined that it was concentrated in May with .4, in August with 9,9%, in June with 9,7%, in July with 9,1%, and the highest number of patient applications occurred on Sunday, the last day of the week with 16,1%. In addition, when the patient applications to the emergency department were examined, it was seen that 2% of cases were fatal, and 98% of cases that did not result in death. At the same time, when the distribution of cases regarding the duration of treatment was examined, it was determined that the treatment period of the patients who came to the emergency department did not change according to the gender of the patients.


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