ÖzetTürkiye’de son dönemde yaşama geçirilen özelleştirme yaklaşımının bir sonucu olarak çalışma koşulları güvencesiz hale dönüştürülmektedir. Yakın tarihte TEKEL işçileri için önerilen 4/C’ye ilişkin statüsü tam bir güvencesiz istihdam modeli olarak belirmiştir. İktidar tarafından dayatılan bu yeni durum, TEKEL işçileri tarafından üç ay süren bir dirençle karşılanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, bu sürecin TEKEL işçilerinin yaşamakta oldukları öngörülen kaygı düzeyi ve özyeterlilik inancı üzerindeki etkilerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Örneklemi, kaldıklarıçadırlarda, ulaşılan toplam 542 TEKEL işçisi oluşturmuştur. Gözlem, görüşmeler ve uygulanan Spielberger Sürekli Kaygı Ölçeği ve Genel Özyeterlilik Ölçeği’nden elde edilen bulgulara göre, kaygı puanları normal sınırlarda ve özyeterlilik düzeyi diğer çalışma bulgularına göre yüksek bulunmuştur. Örgütlü eylemlilik süreci veişçilere halk tarafından sağlanan sosyal desteğin bu durumu açıkladığı düşünülmüştür.AbstractAs a result of the actualization of the privatization attitude working conditions have turned to lack security. Recently the 4/C work status suggested for he TEKEL workers appeared as an exact lack security. Recently the 4/C work status suggested for he TEKEL workers appeared as an exact model of precarious employment. This new situation forced by the govenment has been met by the resistance of the TEKEL workers which lasted three months. It was aimed to investigate the effects of this perion on the level of anxiety, that was assumed to be experienced by the workers, as well as on their level of self-efficacy beliefs. The sample consisted of a total of 542 TEKEL workers who were reached in their tents. According to our observation and interviews, the Spielberger trait Anxiety Scale and the General self Efficacy Scale that were applied, it has been found that the average anxiety score was within normal levels and that the average self efficacy score was relatively high compared to results of various other studies. The organized action and social support that was provided by the community have been suggested to explain this situation.

As a result of the actualization of the privatization attitude working conditions have turned to lack security. Recently the 4/C work status suggested for he TEKEL workers appeared as an exact model of precarious employment. This new situation forced by the govenment has been met by the resistance of the TEKEL workers which lasted three months. It was aimed to investigate the effects of this perion on the level of anxiety, that was assumed to be experienced by the workers, as well as on their level of self-efficacy beliefs. The sample consisted of a total of 542 TEKEL workers who were reached in their tents. According to our observation and interviews, the Spielberger trait Anxiety Scale and the General self Efficacy Scale that were applied, it has been found that the average anxiety score was within normal levels and that the average self efficacy score was relatively high compared to results of various other studies. The organized action and social support that was provided by the community have been suggested to explain this situation.


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