Suriye’de yaşanan iç savaş nedeniyle Türkiye’ye 3 milyona yakın Suriyeli sığınmıştır. Diğer göçmen gruplarında olduğu gibi bu grubun büyük çoğunluğunu çocuklar oluşturmaktadır. Yaşam haklarını tehlikeye atan savaş ve yoksulluk ortam- larından kurtulmak için yaşadığı topraklardan göç etmek zorunda kalan bu çocuklar, en fazla istismar ve sömürü ile karşılaşan grup olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Suriyeli sığınmacı çocukların, neredeyse her iş alanında ucuz ve daha itaatkâr emekçiler olma gerçekliği hem medyaya yansıyan çeşitli haberlerde hem de bu konu ile ilgili bilimsel araştırmalarda ortaya konmuştur. Türkiye’nin göç tarihinde önemli bir yer işgal edecek ve önemli bir sorun alanı olan Suriyeli sığınmacı çocukların emek piyasasındaki konumlarının ortaya konması adına rastlantısal örneklem yöntemi çerçevesinde, yarı yapılandırılmış soru formu kullanılarak Antakya’da bir alan araştırması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışma çerçevesinde, göçmen çocukların çalışmaları nedeniyle karşı karşıya kaldıkları risk ve sorunlar bu yöntemler bağlamında irdelenecektir. Anahtar sözcükler: Suriyeli sığınmacı çocuklar, çocuk işçilik, göçmen, emek piyasası. The Observations Based on a Field Survey in Antioch: The Syrian Refugee Children in Employment Because of the civil war taking place in Syria, nearly 3 million of Syrians have taken refuge in Turkey. As is the case for other refugee groups, the great majority of this group is composed of children. These children, who had to flee their countries in order to get themselves out of the war and poverty, which put their lives at risk, constitute the group facing abuse and exploitation most. The fact that Syrian children refugees are considered as cheap and obedient workers almost in all sectors has been revealed by both the media coverage and the scientific researches.Syrian refugee children will have an important place in the migration history of Turkey and it has already become a controversial issue. In that regard, a field research has been conducted in Antioch to identify the position of Syrian refugee children in the labour market. Random sampling and a semi-structured questionnaire have been used in the research. In the light of the findings of this research, the risks and problems faced by the refugee children that derive from employment are analyzed in this paper. Key words: Syrian refugee children, child labour, Immigrant, labour market.

The Observations Based on a Field Survey in Antioch: The Syrian Refugee Children in Employment

Because of the civil war taking place in Syria, nearly 3 million of Syrians have taken refuge in Turkey. As is the case for other refugee groups, the great majority of this group is composed of children. These children, who had to flee their countries in order to get themselves out of the war and poverty, which put their lives at risk, constitute the group facing abuse and exploitation most. The fact that Syrian children refugees are considered as cheap and obedient workers almost in all sectors has been revealed by both the media coverage and the scientific researches. Syrian refugee children will have an important place in the migration history of Turkey and it has already become a controversial issue. In that regard, a field research has been conducted in Antioch to identify the position of Syrian refugee children in the labour market. Random sampling and a semi-structured questionnaire have been used in the research. In the light of the findings of this research, the risks and problems faced by the refugee children that derive from employment are analyzed in this paper


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