Robotik tiroidektomiye karşı açık: Bu gerçekten tartışmalı bir seçim mi?

Open versus robotic thyroidectomy: is it really a controversial choice?


  • Jackson NR, Yao L, Tufano RP, Kandil EH. Safety of robotic thyroidectomy approaches: meta-analysis and systematic review. Head Neck 2014;36:137-43.
  • Lang BH, Wong CK, Tsang JS, Wong KP, Wan KY. A systematic review and meta-analysis comparing surgically-related complications between robotic- assisted thyroidectomy and conventional open thyroidectomy. Ann Surg Oncol 2014;21:850-61.
  • Sun GH, Peress L, Pynnonen MA. Systematic review and meta-analysis of robotic vs conventional thyroidectomy approaches for thyroid disease. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2014;150:520-32.
  • Dralle H. Robot-assisted transaxillary thyroid surgery: as safe as conventional-access thyroid surgery? Eur Thyroid J 2013;2:71-5.
  • Perrier ND. Why I have abandoned robot-assisted transaxillary thyroid surgery. Surgery 2012;152:1025-6.