Identification and Pathogenicitiy of Botryosphaeriaceae Species Causing Wood Canker on Grapevines

Identification and Pathogenicitiy of Botryosphaeriaceae Species Causing Wood Canker on Grapevines

Wood canker and dieback diseases, caused by Botryosphaeriaceae fungi, are among the most important fungal trunk diseases of grapevines. In recent years, the symptoms of local dead arm, shoot dieback and V-shaped discolorations in woody tissues have dramatically increased in vines of Turkey. During the 2012 growing season, symptomatic wood samples (from Ankara, Çorum, Izmir, and Manisa cities) were taken and standard mycological isolations were done to determine the fungal agents of disease. A high proportion (69.4%) of Botryosphaeriaceae fungi was isolated from these samples. In the first stage of the isolates’identification, fungal DNA was extracted and amplified in Real-Time thermocycler by using the genus spesific primers (BOT100F-BOT472R). In this way, the members of Botryosphaeriaceae species were distinguished from other similar species. In molecular identification of the isolates, ITS 1 and ITS 2 ribosomal DNA fragments were sequenced and the gene sequences were compared with those deposited in NCBI Gene Bank database.It has been determined that 4 different species Botryosphaeria dothidea (Anamorph; Fusicoccum aesculi), Diplodia seriata(An; B. obtusa) Lasiodiplodia theobromae (An; B. rhodina) andNeofusicoccum parvum (An; B. parva) were found in the sequenced 15 isolates. Colony morphology on PDA media andpicniospore shapes on woody tissues were examined in morphological / microscopic identification. To fulfill Koch’s postulates, pathogenicity tests for all isolates were conducted on 1-year-old potted vines. Four months after inoculation, the lesion lengths on woody tissues were evaluated. Pathogenicity tests revealed that Neofusicoccum parvum species produced larger lesions on woody tissues when compared to control and other species.


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