ÖZETOsmanlı’da modern devleti inşa etme düşüncesi Tanzimat ile kapsamlı bir içerik taşır. Tanzimat ile birlikte, siyasal, yönetsel, hukuksal, ekonomik ve sosyo-kültürel yapıların, modern devlet paradigması içerisinde, bir değişimi öngörülmüştür. Bu dönemde güçlü merkezi bir devlet kurmak, bu eksende birçok farklı unsuru bütünleştirmek ve yurttaşlık kimliği oluşturmak amacıyla düzenlemeler yapılmış, taşrayı merkeze bağlayıcı yönetsel ve hukuksal araçlar inşa edilmiştir. Meşrutiyet dönemi İttihatçı aktörler bu düşünceyi etkili bir biçimde devam ettirmiş, milli kimliği yaratıcı politikalar ve araçlar etkili bir biçimde kullanılmaya çalışılmıştır. Erken Cumhuriyet dönemi kurucu aktörleri ise modern devlet bağlamında kapsamlı reformlar yapmış, modern ulus devleti kurucu araçları radikal bir biçimde inşa etmiştir. Bu dönemde güçlü bir modern devlet için merkeziyetçilik, laiklik, halkçılık, milli kimlik önemli görülen dinamikler olmuştur. Bu çalışma, Tanzimattan Erken Cumhuriyete modern devletin inşa sürecini siyasal, kurumsal, hukuksal ve toplumsal bir perspektif ile süreklilik ve kopuş noktaları üzerinden tartışmayı denemektedir. Dönemsel olarak, modern devlet felsefesini/paradigmasını biçimlendiren reformlar farklı dinamikler üzerinden tartışılmaya çalışılmıştır.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Modern Devlet, Osmanlı Devleti, Tanzimat, Meşrutiyet, Erken CumhuriyetABSTRACTThe idea of ​​building a modern state in the Ottoman Empire has a comprehensive content with the Tanzimat. Together with the Tanzimat, a change of political, administrative, legal, economic and socio-cultural structures within the modern state paradigm was envisaged. In this period, arrangements were made in order to establish a strong central state, to integrate many different elements in this axis and to establish a citizenship identity, and administrative and legal instruments binding the provincial center were built. The Unionist actors in the Constitutional Monarchy period continued this idea effectively and tried to use the policies and tools that create national identity effectively. The founding actors of the early Republican period have made extensive reforms in the context of the modern state, and the modern nation state has radically built the founding instruments. In this period, centralism, secularism, populism and national identity were important dynamics for a strong modern state. This paper tries to discuss the construction process of modern state from Tanzimat to Early Republic through a political, institutional, legal and social perspective and points of continuity and rupture. Periodically, the reforms that shape the modern state philosophy / paradigm have been tried to be discussed through different dynamics. Keywords: Modern State, Ottoman Empire, Tanzimat, Constitutional Monarchy, Early Republic


The idea of ​​building a modern state in the Ottoman Empire has a comprehensive content with the Tanzimat. Together with the Tanzimat, a change of political, administrative, legal, economic and socio-cultural structures within the modern state paradigm was envisaged. In this period, arrangements were made in order to establish a strong central state, to integrate many different elements in this axis and to establish a citizenship identity, and administrative and legal instruments binding the provincial center were built. The Unionist actors in the Constitutional Monarchy period continued this idea effectively and tried to use the policies and tools that create national identity effectively. The founding actors of the early Republican period have made extensive reforms in the context of the modern state, and the modern nation state has radically built the founding instruments. In this period, centralism, secularism, populism and national identity were important dynamics for a strong modern state. This paper tries to discuss the construction process of modern state from Tanzimat to Early Republic through a political, institutional, legal and social perspective and points of continuity and rupture. Periodically, the reforms that shape the modern state philosophy / paradigm have been tried to be discussed through different dynamics.


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