Developing Chinese students' reflective second language learning skills in higher education

Reflection is increasingly recognised as integral to effective learning. Journal writing is advocated in facilitating reflection, and several frameworks are propounded for categorizing reflective proficiency, mostly in the professional domains, but rarely in second language education. The paper discusses the results of an ongoing study where a two-dimensional four-level framework was developed for monitoring and determining reflective second language learning skills by analyzing Chinese university students’ written journal entries. Four raters were recruited to evaluate sixteen written journals independently for evidence of reflection on specified areas of second language learning using the proposed framework. The raters provided input from three perspectives: that of teacher, researcher and student. Analysis of the results suggest that the framework can be a valuable tool in measuring reflective second language learning capacities with appropriate support and further systematic research.
The Journal of Language Learning and Teaching-Cover
  • ISSN: 2146-1732
  • Başlangıç: 2011
  • Yayıncı: Gazi Yabancı Diller Derneği