The Effect of The Digitalization Process on The Banking Sector

With the rapid progress of technology day by day, especially the banking sector within the financial sector follows these developments very closely and has entered the process of continuous development and transformation by making use of the technological infrastructure and opportunities at the highest level. The concept of fintech, which came out as a result of the combination of the financial services sector and technology, has taken banking out of the traditional structure. With the emergence of the concept of open banking, giving the control of customer data to customers again came with competition, digitalization and transparency in the sector. In the study, an assessment on the impact of the pandemic on the digitalization of the banking sector and the future of banking was held by including the effects of digital technologies on the banking sector, fintech concept and open banking issues.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

open banking, API, PSD2, fintech

The Effect Of The Digitalization Process On The Banking Sector

With the rapid progress of technology day by day, especially the banking sector within the financial sector follows these developments very closely and has entered the process of continuous development and transformation by making use of the technological infrastructure and opportunities at the highest level. The concept of fintech, which came out as a result of the combination of the financial services sector and technology, has taken banking out of the traditional structure. With the emergence of the concept of open banking, giving the control of customer data to customers again came with competition, digitalization and transparency in the sector. In the study, an assessment on the impact of the pandemic on the digitalization of the banking sector and the future of banking was held by including the effects of digital technologies on the banking sector, fintech concept and open banking issues.


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