Türkiye'de Yünün Durumu; Bazı sorunlar ve Başlıca Öneriler

Yiin koyundan elde edilen liftir. Tiirkiye'nin koyun mevcudunun 35 milyon bag oldugu sanzlmaktadzr. Ancab koyun bqtna alznan yapaEz (kirli yiin) miktan 1.5 kg'a bile ulagamamz$tzr. Ince yun ihtiyaczmzz ithal yoluyla karplanmaktadzr. Ciinkii koyunda yiin, et ve siitten sonragelen bir iiriin olarak dupiiniilmiig ve istikrarlz bir fiatpolitikasz geliptirilemedi&nden lslah plzpmalan da yeterli sonuG vermemiptir. Gerek verim gerekse kalite yoniinden yiinlerimiz zslah edilmek isteniyorsa, zslah plzpmalannzn zaman aldzgz diigiiniiliirse, Tiirkiye'nin artzk karar vermesigerekir: Ithale mi yoksa zslaha ve ureticiye mi destek verilmeli? 
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Türkiye, Yünün, Durumu


Wool fiber is produced from sheep. The number of sheep in Turkey is estimated to be as 35 millions. But greasy woolproductionper sheep is under 1.5kg. Fine wool need of Turkey is met by importation. Since wool is accepted as a product that cames second to meat and milk and because of the lack of a stabilepricepolicy, the results of the wool improvement studies have not beena dequate. If our wool is to be improved from the points of views of both yield and quality, and if the improvement would take time, than Turkey must decide on whether the support should be given to wool importation or to the breeders and breed improvements.