Standart Beden Tanımlamasında Yeni Bir Dünya Formu: Mondoform

Giysinin vucuda uyumunu etkileyen en onemli faktor, uygun vucut olgulerine gore dikilmig olmasldlr. Viicut olgiilerinin toplumdan topluma degigiyor olmasz, her iilkenin kendi ulusal giyim standartlarznz hazzrlamasznu neden olmugtur. Farklz esaslara gore olugturulmu~ bu ulusal standartlarzn bir ba~ka ulke kodu kapsammda anlaplmasznz engelleyen onemli dil zorluklarz vardzr. Bu zorluk, ozellikle uiicut olgiilerine gore standart geligtirmig iilkelerle, giysi boyutlarmagore standart belirlemig iilkeler arasznda cok ileri boyutlara ulagmzgtzr. Bu problemlere tek kalm ~oziim, uluslararasz giyim standartlarznzn yaygznla~tznlrnasl ve bunun her ulkenin kendi ulusal standartlarznz kapsayacak tarzda geligtirilmesidir 


The most important factor influencing the fit of a garment is the fact that it has been tailored according to suitable body measurements. The fact that the body measurements vary from one community to the other has resulted in each country toprepare her own national garment standards. There are serious language difficulties which hinder the understanding of such national standards in the contextof another country's coding system. This difficulty has grown to great dimensions especially between countries which developed standards based on body measurements and those that developed standards based on garment dimensions. The only lasting solution to this problem is to establish international garment standards on a worldwide basis and to develop them in such a way as to cover the individual garment standards ot each country.