Polyester/Pamuk Karışımı Kumaşlarin Polyester Komponenti Üzerine Mikro-Dalga Isıtma ile Dispers Boya Fiksaji ve Mikro-Dalga Ünitesindeki Kumaşın Sıcaklıgının Tesbiti

3-gefigli dikd6rtgen bir mikro-dalga uygulayzmsz (2450 MHz'Ade cak-#an bir magnetruna b@lanmz~) ve standard Benz tipinde bir szcak hava kurutucusupolyester/pamuk kanpmz kumqlannpolyester komponenti iizerine dispers boya fiksqjz igin kullanzldz.Kan,%mm pamuk komponentinden dispers boyanzn tmnsferi ve fiksajz igin polar bir kimyasalmaddenin lure) kullanzmznm gerekli oldugu gosterildiMikro-dalga iinitesinden gepx kumagm szcaklz&nw direk olfiimii mumkiin degildi,bunun ifin pgitli yontemlere bquuruldu.Erime kristalleri ve tem-kagztlann kullanzmz bunlan kuma.p yapz~tzrmak ifin kullanzlan maddelerin belirli miktarda mikm-dalga absorbe etmesi nedeniyle tatmin edici degildi. 

Disperse Dye Fixation on Polyester Component of Polyester/Cotton Blends By Microwave Heating And Assesment of The Temperature of The Fabric in The Microwave Unit

A conventional microwave oven, a &pass rectangular microwave applicator coupled to a magnetron operating at 2450 MHz and a hot air dryer of standard Benz type were used to fiz disperse dyes on polyester component of apolyester/cotton blend fabric. The use of apolar chemical additive (urea) was found to be required for disperse dye transfer from the cotton mmponent of the blend and its f~tion. A direct measurement of the temperature was not possible. The use of melting crystals and thermopapers was also not satisfactory due to absorption of microwaves by the glue used. Several attempts were, therefore, made to assess the temperature reached by the fabric in the microwave unit