Gelişmiş ve Önemli Gelişmekte Olan Ülkelerde Tekstil Politikalari ve Aşamaları

Bu makalede tekstil endustrisinin 19651985yzllan araszndaki geligimi uc ayrz ulke grubuna gore analiz edilmigtir. Bunlardan biri geligmigi iilkeler, diger ikisi dunya tekstil ve konfeksiyon piyasalarzna farklz zamanlarda girmig olan iki gelipnekte olan ulkeler grubudur. Bu ulkeler 1970 ve 1980'li yzllarda endustrilegmigi iilkelerin ithalatpiyasalarznda onemli paylar elde ederek kigi bagzna milli gelirlerini yiikseltmiglerdir. Son yzllarda Turkiye'de onemli endiistrile~mig ulkelerin ithalat piyasalarznda onemli paylar elde etmigtir.  


It this article, the progress of the textile industry in the years 19651 985 is analysed on the basis of three different country groups. The first of these is that of the developed countries and the other two are groups of developed countries that entered the world textile and clothing markets at different times. These countries have increased their gross nationalproductper capital by achieving important shares in the import markets of the industrialized countries in the 1970's and 1980's. Turkey, also, have achieved important shares in recent years, in the import markets of the industrialized countries.