Çırçırlama Tesislerinde Kütlü Pamuk Sevk Ünitesi (Separatör) Teorik Analizi

C lrclr tesisleri, uretilen kutlu pamugun [ lif + Cekirdek ] clrclrlanmaslnda [lif ve cekirdegin ayr~lrnas~ndal kullan~lmaktad~r. Kulfu pamugu lif ve cigit olarak iki bolume eyran tezgah tipine gore clrclr igletmeleri. Roller- Gin (Rulolu] ve SawGin [Testereli] tip olmak tizere iki gruba ayrhaktadr.Her iki tip tesiste de asfirator, separattlr ve On temizleyici gibi liniteler vard1r.B~ cahgmada, pamuk- hava kar~slmlnln eyr~st~r~l~p hava ve ince tozlarln kUtlu pamuktan ayrlldla~ kOtlU pamuk sevk tinitesi [separator ] teorik olarak analiz edil- ~ - mistir. Bu amaqla iki ana uniteden olu~an separattlrde teorik rnodeller olugturulup, geometrik bijyukliikler ve qallgma parametreleri esas allnarak kotlti pamuk debisi tahmin edilmeye ~altg~lm~


Ginning plants are used in ginning [ the separation of fiber and seed 1 of cotton produced. The ginning systems are classified into h~o groups namely Roller- Gin [ with roller ] and Saw - Gin I with knife 1 according to the types of machines separating the cotton as fiber and seed. In both units, there are aspirator, separator and pre- cleaner. In this study, the cotton feeding unit [separator] in which the mixture of cotton and air is separated and the air and fine dust are extracted from the cotton, has been analysed theoretically. For this purpose having developed the theoretical models in separator consisting of two unit, the amount of cotton and flow mass was by considering the geometrical and operating parameters.