Günümüzde i?letmelerin büyük ço?unlu?unu küçük ve orta büyük i?letmeler (KOBY) olu?turmaktadyr. Büyük i?letmelere göre daha dinamik bir yapyya ve esnek karar alma mekanizmalaryna sahip olan KOBY' ler, istihdam yaratma potansiyelini en iyi de?erlendirebilecek i?letmeler olarak tanymlanmaktadyr. Özellikle küreselle?me süreci ile giderek yo?unla?an ve bilgi ekonomisine dayaly bir kavram haline gelen rekabet olgusu KOBY' lerin yeniden yapylanmasyny zorunlu kylmaktadyr. Ülkemizde KOBY' lerin kar?yla?tyklary sorunlary temelde ticari sorunlar olarak adlandyrmak yanly? olmayacaktyr. KOBY' lerin; rekabeti kyyasyya ya?andy?y uluslar arasy pazary ve bu pazardaki yeni trendleri çok iyi incelemesi, ihraç edece?i ürünü tedarikçilerden en uygun ko?ullarla ve zamanynda sa?layarak, zamanynda üretip, mü?terisine teslim etmesi, rekabette ba?ary ?ansyny artyracaktyr. Ayny zamanda, KOBY' lerin tedarikçi oldu?u zincir içinde yerini ve rolünü bilerek teklif sunmasy rakiplerine göre daha avantajly hale gelmesini sa?layacaktyr. Elektronik ortamda satyn alma, ticari anlamda birçok küçük isletme için de inanylmaz fyrsatlar ortaya koymaktadyr. Ayryca; KOBY' lerin ekonomiye daha derinlemesine katylmasyny sa?layarak hem pazar ?artlaryny iyile?tirmekte, hem de hareketlilik katmaktadyr. Bu çaly?mada, açyk kaynak kodlu ücretsiz yazylymlara a?yrlyk verilmi? olup KOBY' lerde Satyn Alma Yönetimi için web tabanly bir yazylym geli?tirilmi?tir. Yapylan çaly?manyn ülke ekonomisinde önemli bir yeri olan KOBY' lere, Satyn Alma Yönetiminde, büyük ölçüde fayda sa?layaca?y de?erlendirilmektedir.


Nowadays most of the enterprises are comprise of small and middle (Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs). SMEs have more dynamic structrure and flexible desicion making mechanism than big enterprises. SMEs are defined as enterprises which assessment of creating employment potential bestly. Especially, is the fact which is being intensify and based on the economy of knowledge especially with the globalisation is making SMEs absolutely necesssary to be restructured. It is not wrong to define the problems, which SMEs come accross are comercial problems in our country. There are some rules SMEs must abide to increase the luck of success in the competetion. SMEs should analyse international market which compettion is lived a lot and flow new trends in this market very good. They should provide from suppliers the products and semi-finished product in best conditions and on time. In addition to that they should turn out goods and delivery their product on time. At the same time SME's offering suggestion as knowing its place and role in the chain which they are producer, provide SMEs to be advantageous according to their rivals. Buying in electronic enviroment provide incredible commercial opportunity for a lot of small enterprises. Moreover it improves market conditions and adds mobility by providing SME's joining economy more depthly. In this study, open source code software was concentrated on and software based on web was developed for purchasing of management for SME's. It is evaluated that the study which was made would be very useful in purhasing management for SMEs, which are very important for country economy.