Plant Parasitic Nematodes of Tylenchida (Nematoda) Associated with Walnuts (Juglans regia L.) and Chestnuts (Castanea sativa Miller) Orchards in the Black Sea Region

İn this study, plant parasitic nematodes species of Tylenchida İn vvalnuts (Juglans regia L.) and chestnuts (Castanea sativa Miller) orchards in some provlnces of the Black Sea Region are examined. VVith this, totally 21 species were determined of which this species belonging to 17 genus of 7 families of Tylenchoidea, Dolichodoridea, Hoplolaimoidea, Criconematoidea, Hemicycliophoroidea, Anguinoidea superfamilies of Tylenchina, Criconematina, Hexatyllna (Tylenchina: Nematoda) suborder. İt vvas not met any literatüre record about nematodes on vvalnuts and chestnuts in Turkey, in the end of this study 14 plant parasitic nematodes İn walnuts and 10 plant parasitic nematodes in chestnuts vvere determined. Among them; Boleodorus (B.) acutus Thorne and Malek, Nagelus saifulmulukensis Maqbool and Shahina and Rotylenchus robustus (de Man) Filipjev are determined for the first time in the Nematoda fauna of Turkey.


  • Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi