Anahtar Kelimeler:

Exchange, Bursa, Exchange and Bursa


Bursa is one of the most important migration centers throughout history. In accordance with the Turkish-Greek population exchange signed between Turkey and Greece, over 30,000 migrants were brought and resettled to Bursa from different parts of Greece. The emigrants were transported to Turkey mainly by ships, and their port of disembarkment was Mudanya near Bursa. The migrants who were welcomed in Mudanya were sent to the Center and various districts of Bursa and placed in accordance with the Law of Settlement. Before the exchange, a large Greek-Orthodox population had left Bursa, as in many other cities of Turkey, and had gone to Greece. Their immovable properties had been left behind, and they were to have been distributed among the immigrants who had been settled in Bursa according to the exchange agreement. Unfortunately, this process was not well managed, and many of the emigrants did not receive the goods that would match the value of the goods they had left behind in Greece. Moreover, the adaptation of these emigrants to the social, economic and cultural structure of the city took a long time and created difficulties. This article discusses the barter of migrants to Bursa, and describes the difficulties they were faced with in this city.


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