Abū SaǾd al-Muĥsin b. Muĥammad b. Karāmah al-Bayhaķī alBarawķanī al-Ĥākim al-Jushamī, Uyūn al-masā˒il fī al-uśūl

ʿUyūn al-masāʾil is an addressing subjects of non-Islamic sects and sects of Ahl al- kibla, Mu’tazila and it’s famous scholars, tawḥīd, taʿdīl, tajwīr and prophethood and s̲h̲āriʿ (revelatory) evidences written by al-Ḥākim al-D̲j̲us̲h̲amī one of the most strict followers of Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār b. Aḥmad al-Hamadhānī (c. 325–415/937–1024). al-Ḥākim al-D̲j̲us̲h̲amī is a Zaydī scholar who received lectures fromone of Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār’s students, Abū Ras̲h̲īd al-Nīsābūrī on subjects of Kalām, methods of uṣūl al-fiḳh and ḥadīt̲h̲. Ramazan Yıldırım, inturuduces al-Ḥākim al-D̲j̲us̲h̲amī as a student of Qāḍī ʿAbd al-Jabbār but it doesn’t seem to be correct in terms of historical facts and informations in the sources. One of the important aspects of this book is that al-Ḥākim al-D̲j̲us̲h̲amī gathers his knowledge from different sources and gives references to Mu’tazila. al-Ḥākim al-D̲j̲us̲h̲amī gives important references to the Mu'tazila and uses a rather elegant language in his references and criticism instead of an aggressive one. Another aspect of the book is that it’s considered as the most important source for the interaction between Zaydiyya and Mu’tazila.

Abū Sa'd al-Muĥsin b. Muĥammad b. Karāmah al-Bayhaķī alBarawķanī al-Ĥākim al-Jushamī, Uyūn al-masā˒il fī al-uśūl

ǾUyūn al-masā˒il is a work that address subjects related to non-Islamic sects, the Ahl al-Qiblah, the MuǾtazilah and its eminent scholars, along with topics including tawĥīd (‘oneness’ of God), taǾdīl (imputation of ‘divine justice’), tajwīr (imputation of ‘divine injustice’), nubuwwah (prophethood) and shāriǾ (revelatory evidences). It was written by one of Qāđī ǾAbd al-Jabbār b. Aĥmad al-Hamadhānī’s (c. 325–415/937–1024) strictest of followers, al-Ĥākim alJushamī. Al-Ĥākim al-Jushamī was a Zaydī scholar who studied under Abū Rashīd al-Nīsābūrī, a student of Qāfđī ǾAbd al-Jabbār, on sciences of kalām, uśūl al-fiqh, and ĥadīth. Ramazan Yıldırım introduces Jushamī as a student of Qāđī ǾAbd al-Jabbār, although there seems to be some issues with this in terms of historicity as well as in consideration of what other sources have to say on this matter. One of the important aspects of this book is that Jushamī takes his information from different sources and provides crucial references to the Mu’tazilah. He also uses sophisticated language in his criticisms and avoids an aggressive tone. This book on the whole is regarded as the most important source for the interaction between the Zaydiyyah and the MuǾtazilah.

Abū, Sa'd, Muĥsin,