The problems of tobacco producers in Muş province related to application of a new tobacco’s Law (Numbered 4733) and suggested solutions

The problems of tobacco producers in Muş province related to application of a new tobacco’s Law (Numbered 4733) and suggested solutions

The purpose of the study was to determine problems faced by, and effects on, the tobacco growers in the Muş province caused by the implementation of the Law No: 4733 and to develop recommendations. Research was carried out in certain villages of Central and Hasköy districts of the Muş province where growing tobacco is the dominant occupation of villagers. Surveys were conducted on one hundred grower farms which have been selected randomly among the ones who have signed an agreement with the Muş Directorate of Leaf Tobacco Establishment. It is found that three main difficulties facing the tobacco growers resulting from the implementation of the Law No. 4733 are: growers not being able to sell their over-quota tobacco, decrease in quota amounts, and the low price for the product. It is found that 81% of the growers produce tobacco in excess of their set quotas. The three important farmer difficulties related to buying and selling of their product are the low price, delay in the realization of the sale, and, not being able to sell their over-quota amounts. 98% of producers surveyed stated that they do not want the privatization of the state owned organization named Tekel. It is found that 75 % of farmers were not informed about the alternate product project. It is also found that 32% of the producers received information from the members of the Agricultural Directorate on the Law No. 4733, and 96% of the producers do not read any print material on tobacco.


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Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat fakültesi Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1304-9984
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 2 Sayı
  • Yayıncı: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi