1917 Dated Family Lav Ordjnance Asa Last Cırcle Of Codification Movement After Tanzımat (Reforms) and Identity Changes in The Ottoman Empire

1917 Dated Family Lav Ordjnance Asa Last Cırcle Of Codification Movement After Tanzımat (Reforms) and Identity Changes in The Ottoman Empire

The Tarcimaı (ıhe political rcforms of Abdulmccid in 1839 and period following) pcriod is important in lhe legal as wcll as olher fields. Thc ongoing classical Ottoman Jaw tiom its foundaıion to ıhe middle oftlıc 191h ccntuıy initially cbangcd in ıhis peôod cilhcr by esıablishing new courts or by enacting new laws. We may divide codificaıion inıo rwo caıegories: fırst, !he oodificaıion of classical lslaınic law, aııd second, adaptaıion of Westem law. Tlıcrcfore rusıory of Onoman law should be cxamined in ıwo parts; thc classical pcriod bcfore Tam:imaı and ıhe new period af\er Tanzimat. Thc mosı famOU$ codifıcatK>n is thc Majal/a, a civil oode. but it does noı contain family law. Though some of Moja/la articlcs conıradict tlıe Hanafi School. in general Majalla did not deviate m>m that school's opinions. 1lıe !ast round of oodificaıion ltd ıo the 1917 Family Law Ordinance. wbieh inıroduced many new articlcs trom thc legal and culnıral poinıs of ,,,cw. The Ordinancc docs not restrict itself ıo ıhe traditions of thc Hanafı Schools and it is an eııample of legal pluralism. For cxample ıhe Ordinancc resıTicted polygamy. The Ordinance offcrs separate rules for Muslims, Chrisıians and Jcws. as well as state cooırol on maıriage and iı inıroduccd judicial divorce. Of course. ali rcforms rcnecı changes in idcnıiıy. We should eııanıine thc eonncction between idcnıiry and tbc Family law Ordinance aııd how tlıey affecıed each odıer. Was !here an intcracıion betwcen tbe ıwo? Tbe paper will foaıs on refomıs which brought about thc fami1y Jaw Ordinance and iıs effect on ehangcs ofidenıity.


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