In their famous Qur’anic interpretation Tafseer al-Manar, Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida stated that miracles exist theoretically within possibility and just like other Islamic scholars, they also accepted some miracles based on some evidences such as some statements in Qur’anic verses. However, they did not refrain from glossing some miracles in various forms that are considered as miracles by most of the other commentators of the Qur’an. Thus, they exhibited an ambivalent approach to miracles. The most important reason underlying this is that they were probably affected by philosophical movements such as Rationalism and Positivism, which have become a dominant thought during the period they lived in.


In their famous Qur’anic interpretation Tafseer al-Manar, Muhammad Abduh and Rashid Rida stated that miracles exist theoretically within possibility and just like other Islamic scholars, they also accepted some miracles based on some evidences such as some statements in Qur’anic verses. However, they did not refrain from glossing some miracles in various forms that are considered as miracles by most of the other commentators of the Qur’an. Thus, they exhibited an ambivalent approach to miracles. The most important reason underlying this is that they were probably affected by philosophical movements such as Rationalism and Positivism, which have become a dominant thought during the period they lived in.


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