With the beginnings of the 1980’s, Turkey began to transform from a country of emigration exporting labours into a country of immigration receiving refugees and other categories of immigrants. This fact does not mean that Turkey had never experienced immigration before that time, but the nature of the regulations related to immigration and asylum in the early republican era from 1923 to 1950 - as a part of the nation building process -was based on the principle of receiving and giving asylum or even nationality to those who are from Turkish descent. Gradually, Turkish policies towards immigration developed according to two factors; first, the process of Turkey’s accession to the European Union, and second, the huge influxes of refugees from Syria and Iraq particularly - in addition to other nationalities - in recent years. However, in responding to these challenges, Turkey conducted an overhaul of its migration system Highlighting landmarks new immigration policy, but these policies still suffer from linking with the old policies.
With the beginnings of the 1980’s, Turkey began to transform from a country of emigration exporting labours into a country of immigration receiving refugees and other categories of immigrants. This fact does not mean that Turkey had never experienced immigration before that time, but the nature of the regulations related to immigration and asylum in the early republican era from 1923 to 1950 - as a part of the nation building process -was based on the principle of receiving and giving asylum or even nationality to those who are from Turkish descent. Gradually, Turkish policies towards immigration developed according to two factors; first, the process of Turkey’s accession to the European Union, and second, the huge influxes of refugees from Syria and Iraq particularly - in addition to other nationalities - in recent years. However, in responding to these challenges, Turkey conducted an overhaul of its migration system Highlighting landmarks new immigration policy, but these policies still suffer from linking with the old policies.
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