Osmanlı Devleti'nin Yükseliş ve Çöküş Sebeplerine Genel Bakış

Ekonominin ziraat-hayvancılıga dayandıgı, ideolojinin de din oldugu Ortaçag’da devletlerarasında medeniyet, kültür ve teknoloji açısından belirgin farklar yoktu. Bu ortamda bazı özellikleri bakımından Osmanlı Devleti, esitler arasında birinci ve üstün durumdaydı. Bu özellikler: 1-Ulû’l-emre itaat anlayısı, 2-Inanıyorum o halde varım zihniyeti, 3-Devletin temeli adalettir anlayısı, 4-Toprak Sistemi, 5-Kapıkulu Sistemi, 6- Millet Sistemi idi. Bunlara dayanarak üç kıtada büyük bir imparatorluk kurmustur. XVII. Yüzyıldan itibaren yukarıda belirtilen anlayıs, zihniyet ve sistemler bozulmaya baslamıstır. Aynı yüzyılda Avrupa, Ortaçag’dan modern çagını yaratırken, Omsalı ise tam aksine klasik çagından Ortaçag sartlarına sürüklenmistir. Osmanlı Devleti bunun farkına varmıssa da kendi mazisiyle Avrupa arasında sıkısıp kalmıs, ne mazisine dönebilmis ne Avrupa’ya benzeyebilmis ne de yeni bir çözüm yolu veya alternatif bulabilmistir. Dolayısıyla yıkılmaktan kendini kurtaramamıstır.

A General View to the Reasons for the Rising and Decline of the Ottoman State

There were no accurate differences among states in terms of civilization, culture and technology at the medieval age whose economy was based on agriculture and cattledealing and whose ideology was based on religion. At this environment, Ottoman Empire was a first and superior among equals for its some properties. Thus are 1- an understanding of obedience to its rulers whose power derived from god, 2- the logic of I believe, therefore I am, 3- the understanding of justice is a mainstay of the state, 4- the Land System, 5- Kapıkulu (sultan’s bodyguard) system, 6- nation system. Ottomans were established a great empire over three continents based on the principles that were stated above. However, the understanding, logic and the system that were stated above were began to corrupt starting from 17th century. At the same age, while Europe began to create its own modern age, contrarily Ottomans was about to be dragged into the conditions of Medieval age from its classical age. Even though Ottomans aware its own situation, they were middle of its own past and Europe. They could not be able to turn back its past nor resemble to the Europeans, nor they could create an alternative way for themselves. Therefore, the Ottomans could not escape from being collapsed.
