Kent Sosyolojisi Kuram ve Kavramlar


  • 'I ) Martin Slattery; Urban Sociology, Causeway Press Ltd., England, 1985, s. 18.
  • 2) Manuel Castells; "Theory and ldeology in Urban Sociology", C.G. Pickvance (ed.); Urban Sociology: Critical Essays, Tavickstock Publ., London, 1980 içinde s. 61.
  • 3) Geniş Bilgi için Bkz: R.E. Park; The city: suggestions for the new lnvestigatıon of Human Behavior in the Urban Envİronment, University of Chicago Press, 1967.
  • 4) Louis Wirth; "Urbanism as Way of Life", American Journal of Sociology, Yol.44, Temmuz 1938, s. 1-24.
  • 5) L.F. Schnore; ''on the spatual strücture of Cities in the two Americas", P.M. Hauser ve L.F. Schnore (eds); The Study of Urbanization, Wiley lnc., New York, 1965, s. 347-399.
  • 6) Lewis Mumford; The City in History, Harcourt, Brace and World, New York, 1 961 .
  • 7) Gideon Sjoberg; The Pre lndustrial City,' Free press, New York, 1960.
  • 8) EURoSTAT; Basic Statistİcs of the community ı989, Bruxelles, 1989, s. 117.
  • 9) C. Levinson; Capital, lnflation and the Multinationals, Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1 971 .
  • 1 0) M.W. Sahlins; Culture and Practical Reason, Chicago Univ. Press, Chicago, 1976.
  • 11) John A. Agnew ve diğerleri (eds); The City in Cultural Context, Allen and Unwin, Winchester, 1984, s. 1 -4.
  • 12) ibid, s. 3.
  • 13) Ülgen oskay; Sosyolojik Düşünce Tarihi, E.ü. Yayını, izmir, 1990, s. 34.