No matter how advanced the technology is, nature always reminds human beings of its unpredictable powers, and the natural environment in which we live may not create any warning or cause epidemics. Returning from the past to the future is likely to happen in the future, just as epidemics have been experienced in the past and the past. In pandemics spreading over a wide geography, personal protective equipment must be coded and managed correctly in order to be protected from the epidemic. Since pandemics develop suddenly, an environment of panic occurs and the people rush to an uncontrolled personal protective equipment and uncontrolled and unnecessary shopping is experienced at the beginning. It consists of scarcity as supply decreases and demand increases. It has difficulties in accessing personal protective equipment, including healthcare institutions. It's important that you didn't know, as they play an active role in preventing pandemics. In this review study, the supply of personal protective equipment, its effective and efficient use, the importance of proper disposal after use, its management, was applied correctly and appropriately. All countries in the world should be prepared against possible pandemics and should be learned through planning before pandemics occur. Since vaccination and treatment methods are not yet known at the beginning of the pandemic, personal protective equipment is extremely important.


No matter how advanced the technology is, nature always reminds human beings of its unpredictable powers, and the natural environment in which we live may not create any warning or cause epidemics. Returning from the past to the future is likely to happen in the future, just as epidemics have been experienced in the past and the past. In pandemics spreading over a wide geography, personal protective equipment must be coded and managed correctly in order to be protected from the epidemic. Since pandemics develop suddenly, an environment of panic occurs and the people rush to an uncontrolled personal protective equipment and uncontrolled and unnecessary shopping is experienced at the beginning. It consists of scarcity as supply decreases and demand increases. It has difficulties in accessing personal protective equipment, including healthcare institutions. It's important that you didn't know, as they play an active role in preventing pandemics. In this review study, the supply of personal protective equipment, its effective and efficient use, the importance of proper disposal after use, its management, was applied correctly and appropriately. All countries in the world should be prepared against possible pandemics and should be learned through planning before pandemics occur. Since vaccination and treatment methods are not yet known at the beginning of the pandemic, personal protective equipment is extremely important.


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