There is a geopolitical concept of Tabgach and five northern tribes in historiography. Until the first quarter of the 10th century the tribes of Turkic origin could dominate in northern China since IV. It's basically the Xiongnu (Huns), Xianbei (Toba dynasty), SE (SI Jie; Sak), tuczjuje dynasty Shabolio (Yshbara), Tans Chateau dynasty (Tang). From the above mentioned tribes and Chinese Jin was formed a powerful public entity Tabgach (Taugach, Tavgast, Tamgach) on the vast territory of northern China. The ethno-cultural tradition and language of the tribes of Xianbei, Shabolio, Chateou dominated in a country. The important thing is that these historical ethnonyms, patronims can be identified with similar names (eponyms) in the epic "Manas". It was not stated in the epic about ethnonyms (and patronims, titles), Xiongnu, Xianbei ASE, Shad, Shehu, Château, Shabolio, etc., because they are all Chinese written identification (and fixing) Turkic (Kyrgyz) names tribes (childbirth, dynasty). EPIC titles (ethnonyms, toponyms, eponims) precede and truthful, as the first and subsequent storytellers-manaschi artistically sang historical events the grandiose era where you couldn't lie or distort in front of thousands of critical audiences. From the first quarter of the 10th century the dynasty of Liao-Tai-Zu dominated Tabgach. Apparently, along with the collapse of the historic Kyrgyz Empire (the Middle X.) (accordingly, the epic Kyrgyz State era the "Manas" trilogy) disintegrated and Tabgach "five northern tribes" of China. Ethnonyms (and patronims) Tabgach could be identified with epic etnonims (and eponyms), historical Kidans with epic Kara-Chinese from the epic "Manas".


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