Кыргыз элинин улуу мурасы манас эпосундагы жети осуят менен жаш муундарды келечеке тарбиялооEducation of the future generation with the sewn covenant of the great legacy of the Manas epic of the Kyrgyz people

The article deals with humanism, tolerance, labor education of the younger generation on the basis of the seven commandments of the great legacy of the Kyrgyz epos Manas. In the epos "Manas" the questions of interethnic communication, interaction of nature and man are revealed.                    «Manas» - a unugue literary monument of the Kurguz people, its originality; it embodies a freedom-loving sprit of the Kurguz, their hard long struggle against foreign invaders. This struggle for own existence is reflected in a heroic spirit, a patriotic idea of this epos. Every important change in a political, ideological, economical life of the people during its long historical development left a definite mark in this epos.                  One more peculiarity of «Manas» is its vast contents and many-sided information it has.  «Manas» is great and monumental not only in volume, but in the scope of the peoples life. Its content covers all sides of tne peoples existence from details of its everyday life to important events in its destiny. «Manas» represents such an epopee-an encyclopedia, which represents in a poetic from along history of a political struggle of the Kurguz people, its many-sided life, its economy, customs, mode of life, manners, esthetic tastes, ethic standards, its medical, geographic, religious and other notions, its international, trade ties and other information about the Kurguz. That’s why the epos is the fullest original work for researching the history, philosophy, ethnography, oral art, psychology and other aspects of a mental and social life of the people as many scientists state.


  • 1. Karasaev, A.X. “Etika” , Bishkek, 2012 2. Gin A.A. Pedagogikalık tehnikanın ıkmaları: Mugalim Uchun koldonma. Moskova: Vita-Press, 1999 3. Bekboev İ.B. İnsanga bagıttap okutuu tehnologiyasının teoriyalık cana praktikalık masaleleri. Bishkek, 2004. 4. Bekboev İ.B. Pedagogikalık prosess: Eski konumushtor cana canıchıl koz karashtar. Bishkek, 2006 5. Apısh B., Babaev D., Corobekov T. “Pedagogika”. Bishkek, 2002 6. Mamırov M.C. “Manas” eposunun kalıptanısh tarıhı. Bishkek, 2005 7. Osmonkulov C. “Manas”. Bishkek, 2005 8. Sadıkov C. “Aykol Manas”, Bishkek, 1995
Sosyal Araştırmalar ve Davranış Bilimleri Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 2149-178X
  • Başlangıç: 2015
  • Yayıncı: Abdurrahim EMHAN
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