A Look at the “Neighbourhood Cooperatives” Concept through the Main Principles of the “Akhy System” to Develop Sustainable Social Structure

Anahtar Kelimeler:


A Look at the “Neighbourhood Cooperatives” Concept through the Main Principles of the “Akhy System” to Develop Sustainable Social Structure1

The term of “sustainability”, which was rooted at the beginning of the 18th century, is also as old as history of humanity and it has reached an effectiveness where it can affect the public policies as well. The term that we may also abstract as human endeavours to sustain its own organism and civilisation, today, has been expounded with different terms far beyond the term of ecology. Cooperatives, one of the most significant actors playing a great role in the field of economy, are not defined as the concept, which meet only the economic needs of their members. The concept is ascribed a meaning with social, cultural and even political meanings. In this regard, cooperatives are a strategic tool that can incorporate all the key components of the term sustainability in their own right.In this paper, the possibility of whether it would be possible to transfer the Akhy system, which was a socio-economic phenomenon in the past, and its principles to the new concept of “Neighbourhood Cooperatives”. The scope of the paper is limited to the neighbourhood scale considered the smallest administrative unit. Reviewing the literature, obtaining statistical data from the institutional web page of the agencies and performing in-depth-interview techniques with the authorised people of some cooperatives have been chosen as the method of the work.


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