Improvement of adobe material by using glass-fiber and entrained air

In this study, adobe, glass fiber, and air-entraining admixture are blended. The effect of the amount of contribution is investigated by taking the peculiarities of adobe. Glass fiber is blended between 0%, 0.2% and 0.5% by weight of the soil. Air-entraining admixture is 50 or 100 percent of the water used in the mortar mixture. The samples produced in sizes of 120x120x120mm were subjected to experiments on the 28th and 56th days. In the experiments, samples are analyzed by the value of dispersion in water and by the compressive strength. This study shows that mixing adobe with glass fiber and air entraining additive helps increasing the water resistance and compressive strength. After introducing glass fiber and air-entraining admixture, resistance against water effects increased in the adobe samples, and prevented adobe from dispersion in water.


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