Topographical maps with the projection of Gauss-Krüger/Transverse Mercator (GK/TM) and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) are the primary inputs in many applications related to Geosciences. In these projections, each zone contains a separate coordinate system. For this reason, two adjoining map sheets located in different zones cannot be side by side theoretically. In such situations, map sheets must first be positioned on the same coordinate system in a geographical information system. In this study, three different transformations were performed using AutoCAD Map 3D, QGIS, MicroStation, ArcMap, Netcad, and Global Mapper: (1) among 3˚ adjoining GK/TM zones, (2) from 3˚ GK/TM to 6˚ UTM, and (3) from 3˚ GK/TM to the tangent and secant Lambert Conformal Conic (LCC) projection. The results were compared in terms of ellipsoidal values, projections, and programs. There were several limitations in the programs with regards to measurement, process precision, and deficiencies in terms of users. Since all three projections were conformal, angles were preserved. However, lengths that were different in each projection were also different from the ellipsoidal values, with the exception of secant LCC projection. Consequently, the appropriate method and program should be selected depending on the geographical location of study area, objective, expected accuracy, and precision.


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